
Dream Reality Interactive和Rebellion携手打造独一无二的独立VR体验

  • Playstation VR
  • Oculus
  • Steam VR
  • Viveport
"对于希望全身心沉浸虚拟现实的玩家,这是个非常不错的起点" - 8.5/10 Tech Raptor
“Arca's Path是创意无限的小游戏。” - 9/10 PlayStaion Universe


被邪恶的机器人女巫欺骗后,你必须找到回家的路,逃离Arca虚拟世界。Arca’s Path全面兼容所有主流VR平台,采用免用双手的直观玩法,为玩家带来沉浸感十足的VR游戏体验。 








聆听由Ninja Tunes公司的艺术家Raffertie创作的震撼人心的实验电子音乐。


“我们通过玩游戏获得全新体验,我保证你从未体验过像Arca's Path这样的游戏” - 8/10
Push Square
“对于希望全身心沉浸虚拟现实的玩家,这是个非常不错的起点” - 8.5/10
Tech Raptor
“胜利” - 9/10
PlayStaion Universe
“Arca's Path是创意无限的小游戏。” - 9/10
PlayStaion Universe
“抽象而惊艳” - 7.9/10
Video Chums
“真正精彩的虚拟现实游戏体验” - 8.5/10
Entertainment Buddha



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Introducing Arca's Path VR

30th May 2018
Introducing Arca's Path VR

At Rebellion, we've always been excited by virtual reality. One thing we love is creating another world and finding a new way to take players to it

In Battlezone we placed you in the cockpit of a futuristic war machine, doing battle with enemies in an incredible neon-lit cyber-world. With our next VR game, you'll be whisked off to another fantastic, exciting and mysterious world - but in a very different kind of experience.

We’re delighted to reveal Arca's Path VR.

We normally develop games, but with Arca's Path VR we opted to publish because when we first saw it, we knew we had to be a part of it.

The developers behind the game are Dream Reality Interactive, a new studio made up of talented individuals with a huge pedigree in VR. The core team previously worked at Sony's London Studio where they helped make PlayStation VR Worlds and AR games for Wonderbook.

We don't want to give too much away about Arca's Path before we show off gameplay at E3 for the first time. But we can tell you it's got puzzle elements, that it requires a little bit of skill but not too much, and that it's incredibly easy to pick up and play. In fact, the only thing you need to pick up to play Arca's Path is a VR headset - it doesn't require a controller!

But Arca's Path is more than how it plays. It's a sci-fi fairytale. It's an emotional journey. It's a world that will both enchant and unnerve you.

And last but not least, we’re also thrilled to reveal the Arcas’s Path VR soundtrack is composed by innovative Ninja Tune artist Raffertie – including the track in the teaser trailer.

At Rebellion, we are proud to have been there at the start of the modern revival of VR. Now we're delighted to be making another VR experience with our friends at Dream Reality Interactive.

More than that, we're delighted to be involved with Arca's Path because it's absolutely perfect for VR. We really can't wait to show more of it in a couple of weeks’ time at E3. Be sure to give @Rebellion and @dRi_HQ a follow on Twitter to hear all of the latest news and updates on Arca’s Path VR.

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